
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Hafez and Kereshmeh: A Brief Metric and Rhythmic Analysis (Short Essay, 2011)

Asymmetric Interpretation
(Click to Enlarge)
Hafez and Kereshmeh: A Brief Metric and Rhythmic Analysis
By: Payman Akhlaghi
A Musical Analysis of the Prosody of a Persian Poem
Short Essay, 5 pages, 2011.
Available for free to the public.
NOTE: This paper contains an error by omission. A revision is due soon. Thank you.
Alternate Symmetrical Interpretation
(Click to Enlarge)
"To come across any meter other than 6/8 and 4/4 in Persian music remains a delightful surprise, given the prevalence of the two meters across the entire spectrum of this musical culture. Over the past two decades, admirable attempts have been made to introduce 5 and 7 meters into the repertoire of traditional ensembles. However, the prosody of Persian poetry tells us that historically, this music once enjoyed a much more diverse metric and rhythmic life than its recent history suggests, especially considering the intimate connection between Persian poetry and its music.
I came across a poem by Hafez, the rhythmic structure of which intrigued me enough to prepare a brief analysis of its basic meter to share with my Friends (1). [...]
Read the full paper for free on Scribd..

Shrine of the Persian Poet
Hafez (1325-1390 C.E.)
حافظ و کرشمه: تحلیلی مختصر از وزن و ضرباهنگ
شعری از حافظ در ارتباط با گوشۀ کرشمه
به زبان انگلیسی، به قلم پیمان اخلاقی
پنجم آگوست 2011
مطالعه و چاپ رایگان در اسکریبد

Payman Akhlaghi is an Iranian American composer, pianist, and piano teacher based in Los Angeles. He can be reached by phone at (310) 208-2927, or email at .
First draft published on Facebook and Scribd, August 5th, 2011.

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